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Sunday, April 25, 2010

My page for Nicki's book: what is in a name?

Well AFFs, I am finally off the tardy list! YEA! Finished my page for Nicki's book today. It was quite a self reflection. Nice to finally do something like this.

I am loving our projects. Makes me feel like I am actually creating something just to create. Thank you all for the commitment.

Kathi, I am getting your journal out tonight...can hardly wait to start on it!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Start to my pages for Denise

A peek at the start to one of my pages in your book Denise. I am liking where this is going. NEST is my nature choice and the many meanings of nature of course, making it perfect for your book. It also hits a chord for all of us since we have built a "nest" for our underlings! We nurture by nature.
I have my loose plan (and by that I mean it could totally change if I think of something cooler!) for the facing page. I do like how Denise has thought out that part of her book.....each of us have pages that, when the book is open, each of them face each other. Nice.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hi girls!! WELL!!! You have all worked hard and done yourselves proud!!!! I have to say...I am a little behind the times yet...working along...will be ready to mail Nicki, I have had several different names in my life so her book has been a very appropriate theme for me!

In looking at all of your wonderful work, I am so in awe of your truly great creative talent. Thank you all for have been such inspirations to me...

Thanks for hanging in there with me on my slowness...just got caught at a busy worries...axel

Friday, April 9, 2010

Nicki's Journal Page for Kathi

Yea! I finally got in here! I've been having problems trying to post to the comments and also make a new post for the past week... guess the sun came out in more ways than one as I'm finally here.
First, let me say that I love all the creativity going on here -it is just way too cool !! Lots of "ourselves" being displayed on these beautiful pages.

Kathi, here are a couple peeks for you on your pages that I made... they are one the way to Axel for the next round.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Spring!!

No photos to post, just testing the blog. I think "blogger" ate someone's post.

Exciting to be finishing the first round of the AFFRR, looking forward to the next round. Looked at the photo of  Colleen's cover to start thinking about pages.

Happy Spring - Happy Easter to all of you and your families. Enjoy the nice weather!